Since yesterday we have recovered well from our two week vacation in Egypt back. My first day I've now successfully behind me and now I do not want to fail to show you some pictures from the hotel and the beautiful underwater world. The hotel "Coraya Beach in Marsa Alam is situated on a beautiful bay, the reef is home to a still almost intact. We were snorkeling several times a day there and could come to the colors of the coral and the variety of marine life not just see enough. If I have seen all the photos again and I will also edit a link to a Picasa album set here (but will take a bit longer) the time being, the collage of times to give a first impression. Who knows, a lot lighter so created also a scrap?
The food was delicious and the hotel has brought me a pound more in weight. Anyway, this was vacation ;-) Tomorrow is operated again good sport and then the Leave bacon melt. HOPEFULLY