Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How To Connect Playstation With Dongle

Supermarket? Contact

cheap prices are not for free!

Call to Action Day on 17 supermarket April!

major operation on 17.4.2009

When: 17 clock
Where: Hofer *, Mariahilfer Straße 123 (corner of Miller Street), 1060 Vienna

The peak day of action is very colorful (and with lots of music!) . run We can already predict. We meet at 17 clock and then together we will coordinate and shape the action together.

** We will stop at these major action of civil disobedience to the central principle of individual consumption, as we - democratic and public - want to ask critical questions in view of the Hofer-abundance of goods and discuss.
more here

*) Note: Hofer is far from the only supermarket, could relate to this action. The issue is the visualization of structural problems.
**) will be the way, this is the only "law breaking" of the action.

17th April
  • decentralized and self-organized actions in and around supermarkets in Vienna ( more here )
  • common major operation
  • festival on campus AKH (Vienna)
16th April
panel discussion "supermarket -. Cheap prices for free?"
with representatives from:
ÖBV / Via Campesina Austria, Union of Salaried Employees, IG milk, Global 2000, Clean Clothes Campaign and GMTN.

More information here

prosperity for all! Global (social) rights to acquire! For a very different climate! Food sovereignty now!

Against exploitation, repression and ecological destruction. - For a very different climate!

mark the International Day of peasant resistance on 17 April will organize the action network supermarkets a common action. The focus is the role of supermarkets as a focal point of global agriculture and food system.
around the globe are supermarkets on the rise. For food there are more than thirty world's only super market chains, which handle a third of the total trade! Guarantor of success are primarily Permanent low - enforced by globally operating companies. The only drawback: the is much vaunted cheap goods do not come for free. Rather, it would be possible without the systematic violation of social rights and not at all without destruction of ecological resources. Closely linked to the bullying working conditions, low income of farmers and the hyper-exploitation of migrant workers and the dramatic impact of industrial farming (more on that in " background").
The action aims to more than "mere" information. We want to cooperate but also with all those movements, initiatives and trade unions call, which are already involved in concrete struggles for global rights. An example is the dairy farmers and farmers, supermarket employees, the transport workers, the environment and human rights activists, precarious and critical consumers, solidarity movements and migrant farm workers by a firm. We want to raise the question of solidarity for organization along the production chain and how these actors can support each other in their struggle for rights. In this perspective, we have the following action steps: On the evening of
16.04. will take place at this question a panel discussion . On Friday the 17th 2004, during the day, several decentralized and self-organized actions in and around Supermarkets are carried out. The actions should - if possible - be documented (film, photo, audio ...), to make the action available in the longer term. In the early evening there will be in Vienna, a joint United action, which will then end their find in a small festival on the campus of the old General Hospital.

Preliminary schedule of events on the day of the peasant resistance: 16
04. 2009: Panel discussion on various aspects of the policy of supermarkets: what are the consequences of pricing policies on different actors in the value chain and our environmental resources? The conflicts and struggles already exist in relation to supermarkets? What opportunities and prospects are opening up a joint co-operation? On the stage we are (to be confirmed) with the Labour, the Union of Private Employees, IG milk and discuss south wind.

17.04. 2009: In the course of the day in Vienna carried out a number of decentralized actions, the basis should be documented by photos and video. There are already several ideas (see "action ideas )

17 clock: joint final action for all concerned, then joint protest march towards campus. In AAKH be then we combine the documentation of the various actions and pass on public kitchens, eating and drinking what happened Revue lassen.Dabei we will also consider the starting points for a different consumption and production.
detailed information on the program points in this blog updated.

The Action Network welcomes your active participation Supermarkets on action and looks forward to a lot of feedback!

Who we are: In
Action Network supermarkets "are individuals just like people from different groups, connections and networks involved (including the ÖBV / Via Campesina Austria, agricultural attac ...). The common denominator is that we will take action in the face of appalling conditions in global agriculture do. We eat every day - it is everybody!

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any further questions, suggestions or requests you can contact the Action Network here:

Sasusaku Love Stories Without You

bitter harvest

Beyond the city limits - two trips to the ErdbeerflückerInnen Marchfeld

action group "Bitter Harvest"

In June 2008 we took a group of about 20 activists equipped, several times to March Field, with about 4,000 leaflets in 7 different languages.

background was that up to that time, the strawberry harvest was underway. Several thousands of seasonal workers to work year after year in the March Field, the largest companies employ more than a hundred workers.

The region is largely for the district Gänserndorf, also includes large sections of the 21 and 22 District to do so. The area is bounded to the west of Vienna, east of the Morava and the Slovakian border, south of the Danube and the north by Weinviertler hills. Given the flat topography of the March Field has always been suitable for intensive agricultural production - long after the 2. World War II, the region as a granary of Austria known, according to a gradual decline in prices for cereals many companies got into the 80s and 90s in order to labor-intensive field vegetables, asparagus and strawberry crops.

early May this year had been interested in the environment of the ÖBV - floor plans Via Campesina Austria, the European Civic Forum, agricultural ATTAC, the magazine, which together displayed, published in Vienna Polish-language newspaper Polonika and other groups and individuals to reflect on such as agricultural seasonal workers during their stay could be supported in Austria. For on such research from a variety and journalistic reports that have appeared in recent years show are living and working conditions of seasonal workers, especially not in the asparagus and strawberry production, but also in other labor-intensive fruit and vegetable crops often very lousy. It is a low-wage sector, which is shunned by Austrians for decades and is virtually free of any trade union structures. As we learned from the workers, for one kilogram picked strawberries currently 30 cents to be paid.

Previously we organized several meetings, fixed the places to be visited and agreed on the contents of the leaflet. This includes the figures of the collective agreement for harvesters, information concerning accommodations and meals, safety and working environment, as well as contact phone numbers. Fortunately, came about a cooperation with the Association of emergency, who supported the campaign and offered a phone number for women affected by sexual violence in their workplace to carry on the daily. can

was central to our preliminary discussions of the claim, the conditions that produce these forms of exploitation to understand structural, and in particular to look for points of how human they change. What we wanted to avoid was the reproduction of one-dimensional patterns of explanation concern. We understand that the seasonal workers, of which we speak, not a homogeneous group, and also decide within the given opportunities themselves in the working conditions they go to.

basic tenor in the group was that we wanted to tackle our action with appropriate caution. On the one hand, the lack of experience in this terrain - in terms of working conditions in the March field there has been no intervention by unions or NGOs, to which humans could relate to - on the other hand, given the risk that we compromise with intrusive agitation rather the work of seasonal workers would improve as their situation.

We decided, in the evenings, after the end of the workday, in the places to be present in order to come up with the harvesters in a calmer atmosphere in the conversation. On the field, in the presence of supervisors and under the pressure of the (chord) would work the distribution of leaflets only in a "hit and run" - style can be, what we wanted to avoid.

while walking in the villages (in total we were in about 10 villages) in the evening, we managed to workers closer to strike up conversations. Translations of the leaflets in Polish, Czech, Romanian, Serbian, Ukrainian and Turkish were available. Among the activists who attended this trip were some native speakers. attach

What coercive force structures foreman on large farms, is one of our groups got to feel for two visits, as a foreman on a farm several times threatened to call the police. A lot worse than this threat, however, was the fact that all workers, with whom we were already immersed in interesting discussions broke off, they abruptly when the foreman appeared.
in many discussions was the extremely strong and difficult to see through a hierarchy of groups of harvesters. We were told that some workers thousands of Euro pay, some less, depending on proximity to the promoter structure. Another important issue was to transport a group of Romanian workers came during the drive home with the driver / employment agencies have come to argue, this required an additional 100 € for the journey home, and had not been settled at the beginning of the work.
Understanding the dynamics of social (sub) privileged nature of the different (sub) groups on the individual farms would be a prerequisite for meaningful support of the workers. In the meantime is still unclear whether and by what means the investigation and intervention that work be done can.

One of the primary goals of our campaign was so, workers know who want to change the conditions of their work in Austria and we can help them. For only with their consent and participation can be ensured that intervention from the outside jobs at risk and not at the end creates more confusion and promotes an active repression causes resistiveness. It would be an exaggeration to say that we have in this first step of the leaflet-distributing no more new questions than answers found. We think, however, that getting to know the structures of these widely ignored and well-foreclosed real agricultural Production is essential for intervention. What we have are occasional insights into the topic and some contacts with workers.

is closely related to the production conditions, the logic of capitalist agricultural marketing. For the price-cutting in the food sector has a direct impact on working conditions and wages in agriculture. Regardless of our preparations developed a different political group a leaflet, which criticized the work conditions in the asparagus, and turns with this criticism of the consumers. This leaflet is intended to be distributed in and outside supermarkets.

What Flublattaktion Marchfeld concerns, we realized that we are faced with a high level of complexity and contradiction are showing that the forms of political intervention even to question again and again. Paternalistic "solidarity" is part of the problem. A horizon for us is to find ways of and possibilities for emancipatory self-organization of seasonal workers dar. How we behave as political activists on this misappropriated reality (can), is a question we will answer in the future with security.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Beautiful Sentence For Invitation


actions and campaigns:


Electric Yellow Cichlid With Jack Dempsey

action ideas

action 17 April 2009 - What happened?

Since 1996, the 17TE April for the "International Day of the peasant resistance "of Via Campesina said. This day is to bring the murder of 19 Brazilian landless peasants in memory.
should take place at 17:04:09
in Vienna and Austria throughout the day, in or off various supermarkets and small, decentralized self-organized actions.

>> motivated activists You?

can be done in small groups when what who wants to find out. are starting points in and around many supermarkets's. On the homepage you can announce your actions independently and look what other groups . Make In the open plenary preparation at 31.3. by 19 clock in the seminar room of ÖFSE (Berg Gasse 7, 1090 Vienna), there's also the opportunity to network with other people together and prepare actions.
We also suggest that you document your actions to make it a wider audience. At the end of the day's 17 against a strong joint action clock (time and place will be announced on the homepage) and then get together with public kitchens and music in the Old AKH. Bring your documented actions to be sniffed at! The documentation can then be published on the homepage. With the Action are the questions raised by us does not. It will go on then!

>> action ideas.

As supermarkets 'private property', it could be that certain forms of action taken as trespass, shoplifting or similar offenses. So be careful and take care yourselves and others are at risk unnecessarily!

quiz panel
We want a quiz board with 4-8 questions about interesting facts of the agriculture / food (market power, employees, ...) and make a year or more Supermarkets give people the opportunity to test their knowledge on the board. We want to talk to people about the correct answers and distribute leaflets.

>> Contact

For elaboration of the questions we will meet on Thursday, the 16th April, at 10 clock in the office of ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria (1060 Vienna, Mariahilfer Straße 89 / 22). There also the places and times for the use of the quiz board should be established.

supermarket Theater
collection of ideas:
  • How complicated it can make the purchase of fruit in the supermarket. .. I take the apple from Austria, or rather the of France? Although the "bio", but wait a bit more expensive ... and then packed so expensive ... And anyway - why in France? A vociferous debate will also encourage other consumers think.
  • "Clothes make the man" - preferably cheap? Even that is completely (in the supermarket) argue ...
  • An elderly farmer in the supermarket, tired and holding his back, walking through the aisles. Neither time nor money for tourism and recreation? No surprise with the prices ...
  • Billa accompanies common sense Consumers when purchasing and gives good advice.
>> Contact
for all who wish to participate in the supermarket theater and / or have any further ideas:
Estimated forum for all those activists on 17 04. 15 clock in the U-Bahn station "Zieglergasse" exit "Andrew Street" / "Otto-Bauer-Gasse".

ranking super super market.

"And since even Billa is punched, ladies and gentlemen! Beautiful is the Billa today, and we're looking at his very first abnormal working conditions, they look this laaaaaangen working hours! How many points will get because of Billa? As the jury will decide now ... the tension is rising ... the tension mounts ... a smooth 1er, Wonderful, the jury decided, "We hung with
Super Mart bags and present as an ultra great show our various topics.

pile - Action
Who is in supermarkets has been criticized very quickly thrown away, but still usable food.
do this, we make visible.
- and bring in a pile!
For this it creates great Eyes, mouths and astonished to provoke Schüttelköpfe, we need you ALL!

>> Contact

sticker attack
Who has not dreamed of sticker to be able to stick in the supermarket?
Unfair trade - welcome home - I am 2009 km traveled - I promote the global warming-half of us will now end up in the trash - this year have been killed in India xy small farmers - Pesticide Corporation - I have never seen the Alps.

If it does not come to your own ideas into a stick-shape to bring, we have prepared some expressive completed:
So just print and go!

the sticker, we have adjusted the size of the labels that are on sale at Libro - 12 pieces per sheet software code 4781st

For people with no expression possible we will put sticker (even in color!) Are available.

request to the mail address of the heap Action:

value chain
Where does the milk? Which way does the coffee? Who actually eats the rest of the chicken breast? We build a value chain and make it acting dar. Each station on the way from producer to consumer (supermarket) is represented by a person, the path itself by a thread. Perhaps even with price? - How much does where and how much, where does all the coal?

supermarket Ball
a big party - the tomatoes waltz. Who is allowed to dance? Round enough? Red enough? Anyone who meets the rules of the supermarket asked by the producers? The security type throw out the mismatching vegetables. So it is

ideas enough. We look forward to all who participate ..

Here are other suggestions:

"Supermarket Robin Hoods"
French action on poverty and food in vast quantities.

"supermarket campaign in France 1"
"supermarket campaign in France 2"
makes with these actions, a group in France always aware of groundless increase in prices during the crisis.

Yomango you know? Part 1 Part 2
subject to civil disobedience.

suggestions from Raj Patel

A treasure trove of ideas for action are the following pages:
Lidl - Campaign - Attac Germany
spying at Lidl - ver.di

What Is A Credit Card Invitation Mean

history and literature

was already in the run some actions and events on this or related issues, which we do not hide from you. Here are some of them

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Action News

  • supermarket? - Low prices are not for free!
    major operation on 17.4.2009

    When: 17 clock
    Where: Hofer *, Mariahilfer Straße 123 (corner of Miller Street), 1060 Vienna

    The peak day of action is very colorful (and with lots of music! organisms). We can already predict. We meet at 17 clock and then together we will coordinate and shape the action together.

    ** We will stop at these major action of civil disobedience to the central principle of individual consumption, as we - democratic and publicly - the following questions and many more want to ask in view of the Hofer-abundance of goods and discuss:

    who decide on the level of pesticides in our food? Who decides on the price obtained, the farm workers and peasants? Who decides on the origin and production conditions of food? Who decides on the technologies that are to be used? Who is the Ingredients? Who is the "cost", which are deposited as secondary effects on other people, generations and nature? Who decides that the prices are higher than the poorest can afford? Who benefits? Who is being played off against each other? Whose needs are here satisfied? Whose choice is reduced, which increases for whom? What does this have to do with the hunger crisis? What is agriculture, which food system we want?

    food sovereignty poses these questions. Farmers and consumers are not here against each other. Today they are part of a global food system that leaves them no choice in central issues. It's time to get these options to acquire jointly re-develop them into new alliances and expand. Democracy will then issue new content. It is about the otherwise invisible and the system underlying social and ecological conditions. Before that, we do not close our eyes. It is time for solidarity. This is the basic precondition for the much-needed paradigm shift in agriculture. Million people involved around the world for this perspective.

    *) Note: Hofer is far from the only supermarket on whom you can relate to this action. The issue is the visualization of structural problems.
    **) will be the way, this is the only "law breaking" of the action.

  • Apr 16, 2009, 18:30
    Panel discussion: ". Super market - low prices for free ?

    Location: Gallery Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna

    around the globe are supermarkets on the rise. For food there are only thirty global supermarket chains, which handle a third of total trade. Few industries have in recent decades experienced a similar high concentration as the retail sector. In Austria, master the three largest supermarket chains, 78 percent of the market. Guarantor of success are primarily Permanent low. The problem is: The much-vaunted cheap goods are not there for nothing. Rather, they would be without violation of social rights and without destruction of environmental resources world at all possible. Supermarkets act as the driving forces in the prevailing global food system, in the midst of plenty is hunger everyday. - At the same time more and more people are facing due to neoliberal policies, with increasing poverty, inequality and precarious working conditions.
    comes in all these contexts, supermarkets have a key role. You enter not only prices but aggravate their policies in both wage and social dumping, exploitation of workers and peasants, and ecological destruction. With every purchase so consumers enter one - often invisible - network, producers, supplier within, employees and consumers in a specific way to one another and against each other.
    We want this event - investigate the specific role of supermarkets - in light of economic, environmental, energy and food crisis. Together we want to discuss possibilities and opportunities for common strategies. Because nothing is ultimately unrealistic as to continue as before.

    discuss it: • Gerhard
    Riess (GMTN)
    • Ernst Mayr half (IG milk)
    • Manfred Wolf (GPA-DJP)
    • Michael King Hofer (Clean Clothes Campaign)
    • Jens Karg (Global 2000)

    Chair: • Destruction
    Karin Okonkwo-guitarist (ÖBV / Via Campesina Austria)

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supermarket? Low prices are not for free!

against exploitation, repression and ecological. -

a completely different climate!

Given the coincidence of food, energy, climate and economic crisis it is important to question the prevailing production and consumption standards radically. For this it is necessary to deal with specific actors, which together the threads of production and consumption: the supermarket.
Whoever thinks of the hectic shopping trips between the end of work and closing the simple fact that supermarkets act as highly selective doormen of the global food system and contribute significantly to social exploitation and environmental destruction? With every purchase we enter a - invisible - network, food producers, suppliers, employees and consumers in a specific way with one another and against each other. While the balance sheets of the retail chains shine like the sale in its supermarkets offered goods, the impact of the enormous centralization and consolidation processes of production, distribution, sale and consumption of food remain hidden in the Dark. Hunger amid abundance, wage and social dumping, exploitation of workers and peasants and environmental destruction around the world - feature a deep crisis of the food system.
If the supermarket comes to us as common sense personified, it is time, the balance of power to light and shadows behind this system - from a global and local perspective at the same time.

expansion of supermarkets and its consequences
Few industries have in recent decades experienced a similar high concentration as the food trade. In Austria, master the three largest supermarket chains, 78 percent of the Market.
Over the past 50 years, gradually conquered supermarket chains in Europe and the U.S. food trade. Did this expansion into the 80 years, mostly at the expense of smaller markets and grocer, began with the achievement of market saturation a tough battle for market share between the new leader status - increasingly in Eastern Europe. The fight was and is essentially a price war that attempts to sell the end products as cheaply as possible without jeopardizing their own profit margin. Therefore it is necessary to minimize the costs in all areas of the value chain. "If we see a possibility of price reduction, we make it" or "Highest quality - lowest price," the philosophy of Austria's leading supermarket chains. But is the much vaunted cheap goods is not for nothing - they would not at all without systematic violation of social rights and without the destruction of environmental resources possible.
oppressive working conditions in the supermarkets, life-threatening conditions of contract for Austrian dairy farmers / growers or Latin American coffee producers, extreme exploitation of often disenfranchised migrant workers, Bodendegenerierung and devastation as a result of monocultures and current output maximization - all these aspects are equally Key to the supermarket's policy as their constant "action" and "effective today" - cries.

price dictates
supermarket chains provide not only price, they determine production and delivery, for example, by quality standards, packaging standards, minimum order quantities, etc., are particularly affected worldwide, mainly small farmers and agricultural workers, as these long runs are often not can meet.
The consequences are often concentration processes of the producers who produce on large areas, drawing on mostly migrant farm workers. At this, the price pressure on supermarket chains increasingly passed. The example Almería shows that workers usually have no other choice than ten-hour work days for a pittance, no job protection, unpaid overtime and extremely precarious accommodation to accept. Whoever tries to fight back is simply thrown out and replaced without difficulty.
harassment, discrimination, racism and sexual assault shape the everyday life of the so-called harvesters.
Whether pineapples and bananas from Latin America, strawberries from the March Field or vegetables from the Netherlands - the world of work behind them invisible workers is the same everywhere.

cheap at the expense of the environment
Not only the harvesters as the last link in a long chain likely to feel the pressure on prices. The environment is a consideration in this mode of production affected. The industrial, agricultural monocultures translated can not do without excessive pesticide and fertilizer applications. The soil, water and food quality is being undermined in this way and increases the energy intensity of food production dramatically. The narrow agro-industrial form of agriculture associated with this sector is thus a driving force of climate change. The approach of the supermarkets and the environmental degradation are often directly related. They drive the dominant form of the industrialized and thus greenhouse Agriculture preceded afford the packaging and freezing madness in disposable feeding capitalism and force constant availability of fruit and vegetables from around the world, which is associated with a high transport costs and energy-intensive, exploitative and environmentally destructive production. Furthermore, they promote their site and parking policy by purchasing the car.

Supermarkets employer
wage pressure, anti-union attitude, work rate, high level of supervision, unpaid overtime and perilous conditions describe the working conditions in supermarkets, which are driven especially Discounters to the extreme. The retail Total is one of those sectors in which the deterioration of working conditions is paced most advanced. So the trade is
an industry that has a relatively high turnover of jobs and forces. For employees, this means a great deal of uncertainty regarding their employment. The proportion of part-time workers is increasing more and more, though many would actually want a full-time employment. This is linked to the dissatisfaction of employees with their income. Women and migrants are employed in this sector very often - and no wonder: even here, the pressure can most easily Weaker be passed.

consumption good, everything good?
Given the continuing poverty and precariousness other population groups could give the appearance that it is necessary to produce cheap, to provide cheap food and that negative consequences must be taken into account for this. But this argument is, putting the cart before the horse: because the supermarket chains with their wage dumping represents a significant proportion of precariousness. In addition, screw cheap food, labor costs back in other economic sectors and thus serve as an indirect subsidy for companies "wages up," not "prices down "so the claim would be to break out of the increasing spiral of poverty can.
The ongoing development of the food industry does nothing to problems caused by the enormous inequality of income to alleviate them. On the contrary, it strengthens and clarifies the same fault line between rich and poor, privileged and excluded. This occurs both through the dualization of the food market: while discounters produce cheap products of dubious quality, meets the upper and upper middle classes their needs with convenience and organic products. Our "Buyer-class society" comes to light here. On the other going strong concentration processes in the food trade at the expense of local supply. Already disadvantaged regions, particularly in rural areas lose close to home shopping, while shooting in new centers huge temple of consumption from the soil.
not only the obliteration of entire neighborhoods or villages are the result, and labor market policy, this represents a problem for a job at Lidl fall away about three other jobs in retail. Even more pointedly, the situation in poor countries. Vietnam example: here replaced a worker at the supermarket four to five small or street vendors. In Guatemala, these are currently sold by force and murdered. large producers benefit from the new structures and increase their profits, while small producers around the world fight for survival. The dramatic hunger crisis is only the most obvious consequence.

supermarkets and food sovereignty?
The crisis of the food sector can be clearly read in the following context: a billion hungry people worldwide, is facing an even larger number of overweight people. The predominant food system is to ensure, despite abundant production is not in a position to all men an adequate, healthy and environmentally sustainable food and livelihood. This crisis calls for a paradigm shift in the direction of food sovereignty. This requires a different, democratic, environmentally and socially sustainable production and consumption system.
The crisis is largely linked to poverty, exploitation, inequality, concentration of power, expropriation and environmental degradation. Global Supermarkets intensify and accelerate these dynamics. Supermarkets have no interest to feed the hungry. The daily destruction of the unsold food proves this. Under capitalism, the bread is better off, not distributed to the hungry without money. - The right to food is a matter of affordability and at the same time by the (over) production undermined the have-nots.
The consumers are called upon their apparent (consumption) freedom to question more closely. Supermarkets have the leeway in choosing a healthy diet if product offering and set out the consumers-quality but on a few policy makers in the purchase of the retail chains? Who decides what is in food? Who decides on price and wage? And at whose expense? Do these costs are not the whole of society negatively? Offered by the top "consumer democracy" is, given these relationships, not a sufficient alternative dar. Critical consumption is important enough but given the problems do not. Critical, ethical and consumer awareness can only be a first, but ultimately not sufficient step.
The offer of organic products in the supermarkets can not mitigate the criticism: although many chains more or less wide range of green products out in the range, then the question arises as to the impact on biological agriculture. With the introduction of organic food in the supermarkets connect the importance of organic farming as a social movement and the right to self-determined economies in regional contexts in the background. Conventionalization and unification held various production, competition and great dependence on the declining supermarkets instead of producer-consumer solidarity, output maximization rather than quality, price erosion and a simplification to make a pure method of production is now widely in organic agriculture. The same applies to "fair trade" products. Organic and fair trade products contain the same time the possibility of another economic activity, and because we want to tie. This will, however, other economies in the super market system, clear limits and ensure that our stay, we do not want. Whether man entrusted to a purely profit-oriented trading system to build a social and ecological alternatives (with organic and fair-trade niches) wants, everyone should be able to decide for themselves because of what is said!

These questions will be seriously on the agenda. It's about the beginning of a democratic debate and a full democratization of the food system. The decision criteria and basis on which our food system may not consist of profit maximization. Out of that system are not sufficient changes are expected, it takes people around the world to confront the dominant actors on these issues. We need to make visible the points at which the crisis shows every day. The "I buy, therefore I am" we set the demand for a social Paradigm shift towards. We need new alliances and global solidarity. We want to build an alternative food system. - Examples abound to show the world that this is possible otherwise. We need new forms of democratic mediated production and consumption. Nothing is more unrealistic than to go on just as before. We want a different food system!

prosperity for all! Global (social) rights to acquire! For a very different climate! Food sovereignty now!

background Download PDF

Saturday, March 7, 2009

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little creative - but a lot of sports

recently had settled domestically at me some pööööse kilos. Frustration bacon? Regardless, this did I now declared war. I got my food after Logi Method changed and make the moment three times a week sport. It feels really good to see how the pounds again to make thin and entirely without hunger.

My start weight before the diet and as a couch potato (even more of something than a week) was 66.5 kg. Currently I still weigh 63.9 kg. I would like to return to my ideal weight - 58 kg - and I'm back in good spirits. Then I would have for the upcoming holiday in May, no new bathing suits now * laughs *. Right now I am in any case a fiddle, my skin looks healthy and my asthma under control I have. On this diet I may stay well!

Let's see if tomorrow I sometimes bring back what creative state. Given that two birthday gifts that I still owe * shame * I would hope that the two are also looking forward to late gifts.