cheap prices are not for free!
Call to Action Day on 17 supermarket April!
major operation on 17.4.2009
When: 17 clock
Where: Hofer *, Mariahilfer Straße 123 (corner of Miller Street), 1060 Vienna
The peak day of action is very colorful (and with lots of music!) . run We can already predict. We meet at 17 clock and then together we will coordinate and shape the action together.
** We will stop at these major action of civil disobedience to the central principle of individual consumption, as we - democratic and public - want to ask critical questions in view of the Hofer-abundance of goods and discuss.
more here
*) Note: Hofer is far from the only supermarket, could relate to this action. The issue is the visualization of structural problems.
**) will be the way, this is the only "law breaking" of the action.
17th April
- decentralized and self-organized actions in and around supermarkets in Vienna ( more here )
- common major operation
- festival on campus AKH (Vienna)
panel discussion "supermarket -. Cheap prices for free?"
with representatives from:
ÖBV / Via Campesina Austria, Union of Salaried Employees, IG milk, Global 2000, Clean Clothes Campaign and GMTN.
More information here
prosperity for all! Global (social) rights to acquire! For a very different climate! Food sovereignty now!
around the globe are supermarkets on the rise. For food there are more than thirty world's only super market chains, which handle a third of the total trade! Guarantor of success are primarily Permanent low - enforced by globally operating companies. The only drawback: the is much vaunted cheap goods do not come for free. Rather, it would be possible without the systematic violation of social rights and not at all without destruction of ecological resources. Closely linked to the bullying working conditions, low income of farmers and the hyper-exploitation of migrant workers and the dramatic impact of industrial farming (more on that in " background").
The action aims to more than "mere" information. We want to cooperate but also with all those movements, initiatives and trade unions call, which are already involved in concrete struggles for global rights. An example is the dairy farmers and farmers, supermarket employees, the transport workers, the environment and human rights activists, precarious and critical consumers, solidarity movements and migrant farm workers by a firm. We want to raise the question of solidarity for organization along the production chain and how these actors can support each other in their struggle for rights. In this perspective, we have the following action steps: On the evening of
16.04. will take place at this question a panel discussion . On Friday the 17th 2004, during the day, several decentralized and self-organized actions in and around Supermarkets are carried out. The actions should - if possible - be documented (film, photo, audio ...), to make the action available in the longer term. In the early evening there will be in Vienna, a joint United action, which will then end their find in a small festival on the campus of the old General Hospital.
Preliminary schedule of events on the day of the peasant resistance: 16
04. 2009: Panel discussion on various aspects of the policy of supermarkets: what are the consequences of pricing policies on different actors in the value chain and our environmental resources? The conflicts and struggles already exist in relation to supermarkets? What opportunities and prospects are opening up a joint co-operation? On the stage we are (to be confirmed) with the Labour, the Union of Private Employees, IG milk and discuss south wind.
17.04. 2009: In the course of the day in Vienna carried out a number of decentralized actions, the basis should be documented by photos and video. There are already several ideas (see "action ideas )
17 clock: joint final action for all concerned, then joint protest march towards campus. In AAKH be then we combine the documentation of the various actions and pass on public kitchens, eating and drinking what happened Revue lassen.Dabei we will also consider the starting points for a different consumption and production.
detailed information on the program points in this blog updated.
The Action Network welcomes your active participation Supermarkets on action and looks forward to a lot of feedback!
Who we are: In
Action Network supermarkets "are individuals just like people from different groups, connections and networks involved (including the ÖBV / Via Campesina Austria, agricultural attac ...). The common denominator is that we will take action in the face of appalling conditions in global agriculture do. We eat every day - it is everybody!
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