Monday, March 23, 2009

Controleur Ethernet Hp Pavillon T3000

Action News

  • supermarket? - Low prices are not for free!
    major operation on 17.4.2009

    When: 17 clock
    Where: Hofer *, Mariahilfer Straße 123 (corner of Miller Street), 1060 Vienna

    The peak day of action is very colorful (and with lots of music! organisms). We can already predict. We meet at 17 clock and then together we will coordinate and shape the action together.

    ** We will stop at these major action of civil disobedience to the central principle of individual consumption, as we - democratic and publicly - the following questions and many more want to ask in view of the Hofer-abundance of goods and discuss:

    who decide on the level of pesticides in our food? Who decides on the price obtained, the farm workers and peasants? Who decides on the origin and production conditions of food? Who decides on the technologies that are to be used? Who is the Ingredients? Who is the "cost", which are deposited as secondary effects on other people, generations and nature? Who decides that the prices are higher than the poorest can afford? Who benefits? Who is being played off against each other? Whose needs are here satisfied? Whose choice is reduced, which increases for whom? What does this have to do with the hunger crisis? What is agriculture, which food system we want?

    food sovereignty poses these questions. Farmers and consumers are not here against each other. Today they are part of a global food system that leaves them no choice in central issues. It's time to get these options to acquire jointly re-develop them into new alliances and expand. Democracy will then issue new content. It is about the otherwise invisible and the system underlying social and ecological conditions. Before that, we do not close our eyes. It is time for solidarity. This is the basic precondition for the much-needed paradigm shift in agriculture. Million people involved around the world for this perspective.

    *) Note: Hofer is far from the only supermarket on whom you can relate to this action. The issue is the visualization of structural problems.
    **) will be the way, this is the only "law breaking" of the action.

  • Apr 16, 2009, 18:30
    Panel discussion: ". Super market - low prices for free ?

    Location: Gallery Amerlinghaus, Stiftgasse 8, 1070 Vienna

    around the globe are supermarkets on the rise. For food there are only thirty global supermarket chains, which handle a third of total trade. Few industries have in recent decades experienced a similar high concentration as the retail sector. In Austria, master the three largest supermarket chains, 78 percent of the market. Guarantor of success are primarily Permanent low. The problem is: The much-vaunted cheap goods are not there for nothing. Rather, they would be without violation of social rights and without destruction of environmental resources world at all possible. Supermarkets act as the driving forces in the prevailing global food system, in the midst of plenty is hunger everyday. - At the same time more and more people are facing due to neoliberal policies, with increasing poverty, inequality and precarious working conditions.
    comes in all these contexts, supermarkets have a key role. You enter not only prices but aggravate their policies in both wage and social dumping, exploitation of workers and peasants, and ecological destruction. With every purchase so consumers enter one - often invisible - network, producers, supplier within, employees and consumers in a specific way to one another and against each other.
    We want this event - investigate the specific role of supermarkets - in light of economic, environmental, energy and food crisis. Together we want to discuss possibilities and opportunities for common strategies. Because nothing is ultimately unrealistic as to continue as before.

    discuss it: • Gerhard
    Riess (GMTN)
    • Ernst Mayr half (IG milk)
    • Manfred Wolf (GPA-DJP)
    • Michael King Hofer (Clean Clothes Campaign)
    • Jens Karg (Global 2000)

    Chair: • Destruction
    Karin Okonkwo-guitarist (ÖBV / Via Campesina Austria)


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