Monday, February 28, 2011

Samsung D60 Connect To Pc


Juhu my friends, my little rascal
hats caught again fully and it sticks a lot to me, so I'm coming all day to do ...
Will give only a brief sign of life and give you notice it the next days will probably quiet ... but each of the children is white like that and is not sure evil?

love Jutta mouse
your mega-class packet has arrived here ... my jaw dropped open, I knew that getting the great blue Boys book, but still soooooo many additional things to tinker ... you're a crazy and unique person ... I'm tired and I'm mega mega mega happy, and it has me set up correctly.
Thank you very much * knutsch-fling-and-down cuddly
* I'm glad I got to know you and I will always be your fan because you are a princess and creativity champion, nice that you exist!
Sorry if I have not photographed the objects, but there were too many things and is my time bisl close, but I'm definitely The case of each individual part enthusiastically and the card is also ne force, colored suuuuper.

So now, we go to do sports,
wish you still nen nice evening * press *
Simi: o)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nike Freek Red Wrestling Shoe


Hello my friends:)
hope you are all well? this is great weather and I was outside from 10 bis 15 clock (only with a small lunch break) and have branches in the garden ground, etc. so it is comfortable to ... hach, If only some would remain as beautiful * dream * to

But all that creative to me. I've bought at a flea market two sayings about friendship because I have had nothing here and the course I had and dedicate so I thought I'd get 2 tickets gewerkelt.

As 1st the pink variant:

And now the red card:

So, my little rascal will not sleep and so I must come again to the end ... wish you all a wonderful weekend * cuddle *
your Simi: o)

Ps I do not forget, of course, my new 2 readers would like warm welcome and hope you enjoy my blog!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sources Cydia For Pokemon Cheats

blue blue blue

blooming gentian * sing *

Hui, Hi;)
my laptop is finally back ... thanks to my husband * * knutsch
Hach, I and PC's, that's frankly not my world and I am glad that he does everything with us so far obtained if something special.

But now I will show you as already announced, my two cards that I have gewerkelt on WE ... both in blue ... Unfortunately, my picture quality is again grotto bad, but somehow I get no better way because it's always so dark during the day ... hope you take it amiss and you can still see everything.

Here the first map:

And that was the 2nd Variation:

's see me again when it drives the craft table, and I muse this time and think that somehow my time is running too fast at the moment like this, hach.

nice evening and good night;)
your Simi ...

Snowmobile Wrecking Yards, Ontario

Laptop Total crash

Hello my dear readers, is unfortunately
abgekackt totally my laptop and now my husband had to see that he was able to save some data ... the rest all gone, grrrr ... really annoying, but yes it was of no!
my image editing program and still get to you I can not show my tinkered instruction card, unfortunately, but the follow!
It was a baptism for a boy, but as I and the green baby card I showed you the last presented have been taken this one:)
War for me is ok, the main thing is all well received and made a card to take home, or what do you think?

I wish you a great start to the week and pressed my fingers crossed that everything will be back soon and I will again be online more often, but this week is planned each day what else ... Tues growth dum: o)


Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Treat A Broken Blood Vessel In My Penis

baby card

Hello my friends ...
again today before I disappear on my craft table because I have a small order for a ticket to the potter, I would like again for your visit and the lovely comments that she always leaves me to thank! I'm looking over it every time huge:)

today also decided me a baby card, but not in the typical blue color, but I got this one for green and I hope you like it?

Please be not angry with me if I am right now not so much commenting on your blogs, but I try to always take the time, but this was where quite stressful and next week we have quite a few dates ... 'm often silent reader, but when I write each then the time unfortunately too much ... sorry.

participate I would like the card to these two challenges: fun
stamps and "anything goes" and
Craft Mill BMC # 7 "ABC Challenge B"

Wishing you all a great Friday night!
Simi: o)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Keep My Running Shoes White?

Simple Easter card Easter

Huhu my friends,
today provides only simple card ne ... somehow I have not test the degree of head to what great, but without any tinkering gehts halt not ...
again why an Easter card with much Glitzi:) Details have again taken photos so you can see that too. Grrr, have seen the degree of the glitter does not, not even cheer detailed photo ... The flowers are painted with it and the 2 rabbits, and the basket of eggs a little ... If the impression is not sweet?

I say again thanks for looking and cuddly you again!
Simi: o)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Solve Electricbox Level 57

will follow ...

and so I got my first card for this year gewerkelt ...
did so in the second last post mentioned that I'm in the circle of madness * g * and therefore, this card turned around again:) Did the subject
totally cute and it just had to verbasteln, bisl Glitzi with it (let's see if you can see from the photos) and the rest I need not explain so that everyone knows was because nothing special or expensive ... a detail photo I've also made it again because you can see it all still a bit better.

Thank you for stopping by and I'd love comments or criticism, of course, I also look forward risieg!

Have a nice Wednesday

Reflux Vomit 32 Week Preg

Valentin post the 2nd In the circle

yesterday were still 2 cards for Valentine's Day with me and that I would show you, of course, continued) The
Left in my color card is held dear by the Line ...
Schneggal, I am pleased rieeeeeesig about your beautiful card and she makes plain is nothing at all, I like it crazy good * cuddle *

The right card is from dear Twingo mouse ... Love Andrea, also a big thank you for your card, I've just got the mail and have already seen that you have marked the paper with my embossing tool:) beautiful! * Press *

So, now I wish you a nice Wednesday
Simi: was o)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Copd Pain Experiences

madness ...

and I finally got this two things gewerkelt:)
The card is default for my girls this week at Kreativequasseltanten, subject: "round birthday card with 2 buttons" and I'm curious who take you everywhere.

The small Geburtstagsset there with me from this round card, I love the subject, but a copy was Geschenkter ... then cut bit, wiped, glued and stamped and she was ready and the round shape like me really quite well think there's more cards are coming with:)
The small box was also folded from a circle, they have quite simply hold and the building-child gets there Naschis delicious pure, but that may all be happy, right?

Well put my loved ones, my little rascal here gives me everything, and I'm going to him and play a little and then I hope he at 10.00 clock around so I go to bed clean up, etc. ...

a nice Tuesday I wish you is unfortunately still all gray in gray: (
your Simi

Ski Waxing And Pledge Furniture Polish

Valentin Post

Hello my dear readers,
nice that you landed on my blog since,
today I have not even gewerkelt, but But look at a map to the suuuuupertolle sent me the love for Valentine's Day Poksa and it arrived just perfect:)
love Sandra, thank you so
Thanks for the great card, just my paints and paper have soooo great that you used * * caress, I'm so happy.
also a big cuddle for the great impressions, am looking forward to it verbasteln to this, I need only think over what I werkel out of it.

Wishing you all a wonderful Valentine's Day, have fun and go!
your Simi: o)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Create My Own Wwebelt Online

A little box ...

is finally finished:) The box, however, was already finished and the praline content was very very tasty * grin * Have you pimped
thus a little bit, but you know yourself what you nice can turn "trash" and here is on I came out and it is really something in it beautiful little bigger and stow ... I can certainly need some:)
First, the photo from the top / front then 2 detail photos (so you can survey the beautiful stones and punched Schmetti) and then I took them inside and embellished easily. I hope you like it a little.

I definitely say once again thanks for looking over and I'd of course look back on love comments or Kritig.

a nice weekend
Simi: o)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Script A Communication Board

not laugh ...

but although I have recently scolded Sun, today re-examine a FG map.
However, I have got a lighter pattern selected and it worked quite well ... The last time I had to choose yes even the most difficult.
Thank you did it to me so built up and gave me back then written such kind comments, which signed me and the day before my enthusiasm was easy for it since yesterday and I'm all glued, pebbles and 3D flowers with it and hey presto is it was done.
inside by this time I did not do anything because the Roling sparkles so nice (what you see in the pictures do not) and thus have relatively chic looks, and then I do-if I need the card nor a matching stamps (Spell) on the inside in, so I'm quite flexible for any occasion I would like to give it away:) Have
also made a small detail photo where the 3D and the FG looks better.

So, my FG map here (I hope you not bored with it and do not worry, my stamps are also grad in use, but the things I can show her just yet, or they are not ready yet)

Best regards and beautiful Thursday
Simi: o)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pain Relief For Pilonidal Sinus After Surgery

Again, a scene-stamping

hello and thank you for the kind words on my last card ... me on the building and since they gave you all like I'll at some point but another potter * grin *

Today I want to show you again a scene stamp, this time with several punches, but unfortunately nothing special because I simply lack the proper stamp for Szenenstempelung and therefore I must see what I'm at home and fits together ...
and came out here:) I also
interior embellished something, I'll do right now actually in each card.

wish you a great rest of Sunday,
Simi: o)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sara Jay Flower Tucci Or Sara Jay?

despair ...

Halli hallo,
as already announced this yesterday, I would like you today a map with a more complex bisl Stitching Show ...
I'll tell you guys, yesterday evening the Rappel had once again take a needle and thread in hand, do not ask but how much time and especially nervous (and also some blood * g * because I am always engraved I-Acre) It has cost me ... therefore looks at it not quite as accurate, because a few gremlins have crept in already.
But eventually I knew I no longer out of sheer thread and I was just about to throw everything in the garbage, grrrrr.
But no, of course, then you bite through it and does not give up easily, but in the long run this is probably not a hobby for me, because you really should relax bisl yes if you are creative and not build up stress what when I was on the evening of the event.
Well, I'll probably try again in between times what the FG, but we'll see when I get to rouse the next time:)
But enough talk, here are the pictures ... oh yes, next to it I have only ne 3D flower attached, have also photographed views in more detail because you can not see the other and of course I'm in again ne small design made, nothing complicated but more beautiful than when they are always so naked, the cards inside.

Kind regards, thanks for looking and have a nice Saturday!
your Simi

Friday, February 4, 2011

Csr Bluetooth Driver Windows7

get well card for multiple heart

Juhu my loyal readers, how are you na
you so? My week was pretty chaotic because my little rascal was very hard and I came to do ... but it is safe again so ne Phase ...
Tonight I'm gewerkelt in any case once again in a little blue / yellow cards held and I hope you enjoy it. First, the
Digistamp (white no longer where I pulled him to me), colored, then wiped, punched, brads attached, stamped and Pearl Sticker Maker + frills ... Then came the turn of the inside ... Cuttlebug (here I have not done a detail photo because I brought the die-cut or with chalk on the sparkle) and punch + punch were also in use, but see for yourself:

I hope the cards you like and tomorrow or the day is again a card but see no punches and they gave me last night when I started to have the last nerve of cost but I remain brave and fight my way through ... I will tell more when I put them online.

like to use this card I participate ürbrigens yet the following challenges:
- Night-Shift-Stamping # 52 Get Well

So, now do I "me here with a cup of banana and cherry tea cozy and browse the blog yet a little, wish you all an evening press * *
your Simi