Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Script A Communication Board

not laugh ...

but although I have recently scolded Sun, today re-examine a FG map.
However, I have got a lighter pattern selected and it worked quite well ... The last time I had to choose yes even the most difficult.
Thank you did it to me so built up and gave me back then written such kind comments, which signed me and the day before my enthusiasm was easy for it since yesterday and I'm all glued, pebbles and 3D flowers with it and hey presto is it was done.
inside by this time I did not do anything because the Roling sparkles so nice (what you see in the pictures do not) and thus have relatively chic looks, and then I do-if I need the card nor a matching stamps (Spell) on the inside in, so I'm quite flexible for any occasion I would like to give it away:) Have
also made a small detail photo where the 3D and the FG looks better.

So, my FG map here (I hope you not bored with it and do not worry, my stamps are also grad in use, but the things I can show her just yet, or they are not ready yet)

Best regards and beautiful Thursday
Simi: o)


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