Monday, February 21, 2011

Snowmobile Wrecking Yards, Ontario

Laptop Total crash

Hello my dear readers, is unfortunately
abgekackt totally my laptop and now my husband had to see that he was able to save some data ... the rest all gone, grrrr ... really annoying, but yes it was of no!
my image editing program and still get to you I can not show my tinkered instruction card, unfortunately, but the follow!
It was a baptism for a boy, but as I and the green baby card I showed you the last presented have been taken this one:)
War for me is ok, the main thing is all well received and made a card to take home, or what do you think?

I wish you a great start to the week and pressed my fingers crossed that everything will be back soon and I will again be online more often, but this week is planned each day what else ... Tues growth dum: o)



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